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Carbon cycle

Posted by Shiva Ramtel Friday, October 1, 2010

complex series of processes through which all of the carbon atoms in existence rotate is the carbon. The great natural recycler of carbon atoms is called carbon cycle.every aspect of life could be changed dramatically without the proper functioning of the carbon cycle. carbon can also be found in living beings and plants in the farm of compounds of protein ,carbohydrate and other complex compounds .
Plants utilize the carbon dioxide found in atmosphere while preparing their food through the photosynthesis process .The carbon dioxide gas received by the plants again returns to the atmosphere through one way or the other .Some Carbon cycleplants are eaten by animals whereas some plants and animals die themselves .Dead plants,animals and decayed materials are decomposed and mixed to the soil for which decomposes are responsible .Carbon dioxide gas is released and mixed to the atmosphere.
coal and other petroleum products will be formed after the deposition of plants and other wooden materials in the inner surface of the earth for many years .They can be used as fuel for domestic propose ,industries ,factories,vechicles etc . Smoke is released after the combustion of fuel ,which contains carbon dioxide . Thus carbon dioxide is released from different processes in the maintained in nature by continuous exchange of carbon dioxide between organism atmosphere .


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